
Showing posts from 2017

"I don't want that!"

"I don't want that!" I've thought this phase many times after opening a gift on Christmas morning.  All I could think was how I'd be heading back to the store to stand in a return line!   It's bad enough that I didn't get what I wanted, but now I must use my time and energy to return it.  Then adding insult to injury, I don't even get the money back to buy something I want because the store returns the money to the credit card.  Major bummer. Did I mention that gift giving and receiving is my last,  very last , love language?  The cruel joke on me is that I married a #1 Gift Giver!   And, he's sort of a bad gift picker!  Love him! In my mind, I have said many times... Do you even know me AT ALL?   Okay, I may have said that out loud...more than once.  I love that poor, sweet man, who loves to shower gifts on my stone, cold heart. Get ready to gasp, because I'm about to tell you the most horrific Christmas story EVER!  It&#

The Packaging

I love beautifully wrapped presents, but somewhere over the years the practical me stopped buying bows and ribbons.  The main reason for the lack of luster in my Christmas wrappings is because I'm cheap.  That is followed closely by the extra time it takes to tie up and decorate the packages.  And let's not forget, less to clean up which works nicely with my personal life goal of making everything in my life as simple and uncomplicated as possible..for ME! With these three things always before me, the frills were set aside many years ago, for the cheapest and quickest form of wrapping.  Still, I will admit, I do love to see Christmas trees with all those coordinating packages displayed neatly around the bottom of the tree. There really is something to be said about the packaging .  The mystery of a box wrapped in pretty paper draws the eye and creates wonder as to what could be hidden inside.  On Christmas morning, all those beautiful packages are an amazing thing to be

To Be Held

Our 15-month old grandson loves  to be   held .  When he's on the other side of one of the many baby gates in our house, I'll hear a sweet little voice call out to me, "Hi." He will repeat his greeting to me over and over until I connect with him.  Then he will extend his arms to me, and I cannot resist his need  to be held . Reaching over the gate, I swoop him up in my arms and he beams with happiness and a sweet sigh of contentment escapes his lips.  To be perfectly honest, I'm happy too. I think one of the simplest act of love expressed to a child is to hold them.  When they fall, we hold them.  When they cry, we hold them. When they are happy, we hold them.  When they are sad, we hold them.  When they are hurt, we hold them.  Holding the hurting, wounded, sad or even happy child is what a good parent does.  A child knows he is safe when  held  in the arms of his parents. For some people, Christmas can be a stressful,lonely or difficult time.

AGAIN with the Wise Men

There isn't really anything new under the sun when it comes to the Christmas Story.  It has been told, retold, turned inside out and upside down! I've heard a load of sermons in my lifetime about everything from the strips of cloth that Mary wrapped the baby Jesus in, to the donkey that brought her to Bethlehem.  (which is actually not in the Biblical version of the Christmas story. LOL) When I was a kid, my least favorite  part of the Christmas story was anything related to the Wise Men.  It's highly unlikely that I ever said these words out loud, but I thought them... AGAIN with the Wise Men .     What do we really know about these three guys... Yes, they were wise.   They were not typical men.  Why? Because they stopped to ask for directions. They brought gifts and smart men do come bearing gifts. They were perceptive.   They would not be circumvented from their purpose or plan.   I guess that would make them goal oriented.  Wait...I like go

Countdown To Christmas

The  Countdown To Christmas  has officially begun, and I love everything about the Christmas season; the music, the snow, the smell of cookies, the sound of a crackling fire, the spirit of giving and the story of the birth of Jesus. My Christmas tree has been up since November 3rd and now with December 1st only a few days away the clock is ticking.  There is much to be done before Christmas Day.  Decorating (for you slackers), shopping, cooking, baking, church and school programs, entertaining family/friends and lets not forget the eating.  I can't think of another holiday that brings as much planning, joy and happiness as Christmas. This  Countdown To Christmas has me thinking about how I want to see the next 26-days unfold.  Yes, I want all the people, fun, food and gifts but I also want to focus on the real celebrant, the One that Christmas is all about.  NO, I'm not talking about Santa, but the other Christmas guy--JESUS! In the past decade, attempts have been made


Thanksgiving is tomorrow.  If you are like most people who celebrate this day, you will take time before or after your meal to share something that you're thankful for.  I wish I could say that we practiced this tradition at every one of our Thanksgivings, but we may have missed a few years.   Over the past six months, we have had the privileged of having our son, daughter-in-law and three amazingly wonderful grandchildren living with us.  We are three generations under one roof.  Next fall, they will return to Northern Asia to continue their work there.  Our son's family has a nightly tradition called  "Thankfuls. "  They don't do " Thankfuls"  just on special occasions or over the month of November or at the Thanksgiving table.  It's every night all year long.    Some nights, our grandkids will ask us to join them for  "Thankfuls. "  We go upstairs and sit on their beds while each one says one thing that they are thankful for

Not Suprised

Surprises can be loads of fun, like receiving a homemade German Chocolate Cake for your birthday. (See photo!  Yes, that's the husband.)   Another awesome surprise is unexpected money.  Who wouldn't want a surprise like that? I've had many great surprises in my life.  Far too many to list, but one of my top 10 surprises was when our son unexpectedly arrived home early from Northern Asia.  That was such a happy and joyous occasion.  I couldn't stop smiling.  He was home, safe and with us.  That was a welcomed surprise. However, I do realize that not all surprises are happy ones.  There are many unwelcome surprises in life and sometimes these can even cause us to question our faith.  Like sudden unemployment, the death of a loved one, relationship issues, sickness or even the loss of property or possessions.  No one would ever jump out from their hiding place and yell, "SURPRISE your house just burned to the ground!"  Yup!  All surprises are not

Moving in the Right Direction

In October, my granddaughter's first grade class took a field trip to Potter's Zoo in Lansing, Michigan.  This zoo is about an hour drive from her school.  The kids, parents and teachers were all happy and excited to finally be on their way.  They were scheduled to go the week before, but the trip was canceled due to a  "chance of rain."   Of course, the day of the actual trip, it was colder and rainier than it would have been the week before.  It's Michigan...enough said! The school decided to push ahead in spite of the weather and off they went to the Lansing Zoo.  The bus was on the move.  I know you're thinking it so I'll go ahead and say it... the wheels on the bus went round and round. ..on the wet pavement, on their way to Lansing. About 40-minutes into the one hour trip the bus rolled to a the Saginaw Zoo .  Oopps!  This zoo was closed for the season.  After some heartfelt apologizes and lots of sighs, they pressed on and finally

Teach Me

The elementary school years were not easy for me.  I struggled to pay attention and found sitting in a chair for hours painfully uncomfortable.  I often wondered if my problem was due to my superior academic abilities and the teacher was teaching far below my brilliance.     Hey, it's possible.  FINE! I may have been of the "late bloomer" persuasion.   Due to my remedial learner ways, there have been plenty of life lessons that required repeating.  For example...the 4th grade.  Oh the shame! I really was an exceptionally good teenager and ended up in the National Honor Society, but oh those elementary years.  Wow-those years were another story all together! The skipping school in the 1st and 2nd grades.  Most first graders would have learned their lesson but not me.  I was a repeat offender.  There was the black crayon on the hardwood floors, the stealing and lying.  I was a bit of a scraper as well.  The mischievous things I did are far too numerous to mentio

You have a mustache!

A month ago, our daughter and her family left for Northern Asia.  It was sad to see her go, but when she insisted on taking her four amazing and funny children with her, well that was just grandparent cruelty. We love and miss all our grandkids, but our daughter's third child, kept us laughing with his funny 3-year old view of the world.  This little man has been struggling recently with telling the truth.   A few days before they left our house to begin their long journey to Asia, a black marker-goatee with a full mustache suddenly appeared on our little guy's face. (The photo is a reenactment of the actual event.)   This boy! His mom asked him, "Who drew that mustache on your face?" And his reply was. "I don't know." When the story was retold to me, I laughed out loud seeing it was his face.  Still, he stuck to his story after being questioned a number of times. There was so much going on in the packing process that our bearded-boy esc

The Little Things

In marriage, it's  the little things that remind us more than the big gestures that love is alive and well.  It might be coffee in bed, pants that make it all the way to the laundry basket, dishes in the dishwasher instead of the sink, watching TV with the one you love and giving them full control of the remote, or even the occasional meal out.  It can be this type of little stuff that gets our attention. (Actual note from one of our grandson's  classmates following a minor surgery he had.) About a month ago, I had a  little things kinda week with the Lord.  It was a reminder that He sees.  He knows.  He cares.   The little things that impacted my life  that week  may seem inconsequential to some but not me.  I noticed the food that was provided.   I noticed the lost package that was found.   I noticed the note that was discovered in my grandson's backpack. God specializes in the business of "The Little Things."  In John 6:9, I'm sure no

Lead Me

Three weeks ago, 1-year old grandson s were staying at our house. (Yes, I said that correctly.  There were two new walkers at our house.) It was a delight to watch these little guys play side by side in the house.  They were completely occupied  with whatever toys surrounded them. That was, until the glass sliding door opened to the great outdoors.  When this happened, both boys ran to the door.   They were filled with wonder at the world outside the safety of Grandma's house. At least once a day, I'd try to take them for short walks around the backyard.  As we walked, I'd hold out one finger on each of my hands and inevitably both boys would latch on to that finger.  This allowed me to lead them. To these little guys, my finger represented safety, and their act of latching on showed their trust.   Occasionally, one or both would break loose and try to go their own way (usually right for danger).  I'd hurry to their sides and hold my finger out again.  I

A Promise is a Promise

There isn't a parent alive that hasn't heard the phrase...  "But you promised!" least once. I know I have from my kids, grandkids, and even from adults in my life.  Sometimes promises are just  dog-gone  hard to keep.  Time management can get in the way, as well as, one’s personal finances.  How many vacations to Disney have you planned and canceled? One of my personal favorite  promise-breaking  excuses is, "I'm too tired." Any of these excuses will usually bring the prompt reply, "But you promised!"   I hope you read that with a 'hint of whine' because it was implied. Yes, that all too familiar phrase,  A Promise is a Promise,  is hard for we mere mortals to live by.  It is our nature to be promise breakers.  But not God.  In 2 Corinthians 1:20 (NIV) it says,  " For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so, through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God."  

The Baby Gate

My house is loaded with baby gates.  These gates are at every staircase and dangerous doorway in our house.  These baby gates have an important function.  They are there to protect the baby from harm. The reason our house is loaded with baby gates is because we have house guests for a year and one of  our guests is a new walker.  (The picture is of our actual house guest.)   At the writing of this devotion, I'm proud to say that we have not had any tumbles down the stairs. There is a problem with the baby gates.  I have seen a number of funny Facebook videos of toddlers scaling baby gates like soldiers readying for war.  I have also seen babies capable of pushing down a baby gate, as well as the brilliant little ones whose tiny hands figure out how to unlatch a locked gate. There is a scripture that speaks to an adult situation that is similar to these baby gate escape artists.  It's found in Psalm 141:3 (GW) O Lord, set a guard at my mouth.  Keep watch over the door

Dirty Filter

It's that time again.  The changing of the furnace filter.  I've known for over a month that the filter needed to be changed, but I couldn't remember the size.  So day after day, week after week, the dirt would get thicker and thicker hindering the filter from doing its job. Finally, I put the size in my phone so I'd have it with me at all times.  Still, I have not bought a new filter.  You may wonder why.  The truth is having the correct information and acting on it are two different things. This whole furnace filter debacle caused me to think of my own life.  It was years ago in a counseling format that I first heard the word "filter."  It was used to describe how people hear things.  If the information comes to them through a dirty filter,  usually due to life experiences, then it's anybody's guess what the person may actually hear.  Even if every word you are saying to help them is awesome, wisdom from on high and amazing, they simple ca


When children first learn to talk, the parents are overjoyed with each sweet word that is uttered by their protege.   "Dada!"  "Mama!"   "Bye Bye!" Then other words begin to appear, and these words can be underwhelming.  "No!"   "Shut-up!"  "Poop." (A personal favorite of my grandsons.) As a toddler's vocabulary increases, so do the words we don't want our sweet babies to say.  Then the parents must adjust their conversation to protect the child's budding vocabulary.   Remember the spelling years!  I-C-E  C-R-E-A-M!  Even with all we do to protect our brilliant off-springs, they will still pick up some unapproved words.   A word in our house that seeped into our young children's vocabulary was "MINE!"   I have no idea where my children could have heard such a selfish word...s he lied . MINE, when spoken in a possessive way, reeks of selfishness.  I understand selfishness a

Hold Fast

Our youngest grandchild recently turned one.  For being a little guy, he has the grip of a grown man.  Once he gets hold of something, and he doesn't want to let go, there is only one way to break his grip.  If you guessed pry back his fingers, you'd be correct. The boy knows what he wants and he will hold fast to whatever that may be.  You probably wouldn't notice this in the family photo I posted, but #10 is holding a stick much to his mama's dismay and his daddy's giggles.  He wouldn't let go and as you can's in the family picture as a forever memory. Speaking of holding on and not letting go, today is our 42nd wedding anniversary.  We married young, but we knew what we wanted.  We wouldn’t be dissuaded.  On September 6, 1975 we took hold of each other and have held on tightly.  Forty-two years ago, we made this forever promise one to another. T o have and to hold from this day forward,  for better for worse, for richer for poor