You have a mustache!

A month ago, our daughter and her family left for Northern Asia.  It was sad to see her go, but when she insisted on taking her four amazing and funny children with her, well that was just grandparent cruelty.

We love and miss all our grandkids, but our daughter's third child, kept us laughing with his funny 3-year old view of the world.  This little man has been struggling recently with telling the truth.   A few days before they left our house to begin their long journey to Asia, a black marker-goatee with a full mustache suddenly appeared on our little guy's face. (The photo is a reenactment of the actual event.) 
This boy!
His mom asked him, "Who drew that mustache on your face?" And his reply was. "I don't know."

When the story was retold to me, I laughed out loud seeing it was his face.  Still, he stuck to his story after being questioned a number of times.

There was so much going on in the packing process that our bearded-boy escaped punishment, except he had a beard for a few days that he couldn't see...but we all could.  It was a constant reminder to everyone but him that a wrong had been done.

The next day when his mommy was tucking him in for a nap, he confessed to the crime.  She hadn't asked him about it, he just confessed.  I'm sure you can only imagine her shock at a child admitting a wrong all on his own!  Evidently, his little conscience  needed cleansing.

That little preschooler isn't so different than, shall we say, YOU...okay, fine--me too. We may be walking around with black marker on our faces swearing to the world that we have no idea how it got there.

Great news, there is a verse in 1 John 2:1 (GW) that gives us all hope....

My dear children, I’m writing this to you so that you will not sin. 
Yet, if anyone does sin, we have Jesus Christ
who has God’s full approval. 
He speaks on our behalf when we come into the presence of the Father.

The day of this incident, I was gone but when I arrived home, I was greeted by my bearded grandson and I said with surprise, "You have a mustache!"  He smiled at me and went about his play.  He was't in the least bit affected by his actions...he couldn't see it.

We may think our sin is hidden, but God looks at us and says, "You have a mustache!"  He sees.  He knows and through Jesus Christ we can be clean.

Personally, I've never been fond of hearing these words..."You have a mustache!"


  1. I love this post!!! And how right you are. By the way, your grandson sounds absolutely adorable. :)

  2. Thanks for your kind comment. And yes, he is a special little boy.


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