Dirty Filter
It's that
time again. The changing of the furnace filter. I've known for over
a month that the filter needed to be changed, but I couldn't remember the size. So day after day, week after week, the dirt would get thicker and
thicker hindering the filter from doing its job.
Finally, I put the size in my phone so I'd have
it with me at all times. Still, I have not bought a new filter. You
may wonder why. The truth is having the correct
information and acting on it are two different things.
This whole furnace filter debacle caused me to
think of my own life. It was years ago in a counseling format that I first heard the
word "filter." It was used to describe how people hear things. If the
information comes to them through a dirty filter, usually due to life
experiences, then it's anybody's guess what the person may actually hear.
Even if every word you are saying to help them is awesome, wisdom from on high and amazing, they simple can't
hear a word because of a clogged up dirty filter.
So, that said, I found this Pinterest worthy filter cleaning miracle in Ezekiel 36:25-28 (TLB).
"Then it will
be as though I had sprinkled clean water on you, for you will be clean—your
filthiness will be washed away...And I will give you a new
heart—I will give you new and right desires—and put a new spirit within you. I
will take out your stony hearts of sin and give you new hearts of love. And I will put my Spirit within you so that you will obey
my laws and do whatever I command...And you shall be my people, and I will be
your God."
Gotta go.
I have a dirty filter that needs to be replaced with a new one--clean and fresh, ready to filter out the dirt. I think I'll buy a bunch of filters because filters need to be changed often!
I have a dirty filter that needs to be replaced with a new one--clean and fresh, ready to filter out the dirt. I think I'll buy a bunch of filters because filters need to be changed often!
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