The Little Things

In marriage, it's the little things that remind us more than the big gestures that love is alive and well.  It might be coffee in bed, pants that make it all the way to the laundry basket, dishes in the dishwasher instead of the sink, watching TV with the one you love and giving them full control of the remote, or even the occasional meal out.  It can be this type of little stuff that gets our attention.

(Actual note from one of our grandson's
 classmates following a minor surgery he had.)
About a month ago, I had a little things kinda week with the Lord.  It was a reminder that He sees.  He knows.  He cares.  The little things that impacted my life that week may seem inconsequential to some but not me. 
  • I noticed the food that was provided.  
  • I noticed the lost package that was found.  
  • I noticed the note that was discovered in my grandson's backpack.
God specializes in the business of "The Little Things."  In John 6:9, I'm sure no one could have believed that one boy's small lunch could feed thousands.  It was a little thing that brought a huge blessing.  Here's how John 6:9 (TLB) says it, “There’s a youngster here with five barley loaves and a couple of fish! But what good is that with all this mob?”  

I think the disciple’s question was fair.  "What good is that...?"  In the natural, what good is one little lunch when thousands need food?  When that disciple asked his question, there was just one little thing he left out of the equation...Jesus.  
  • A few weeks ago, my diabetic husband forgot his wallet and was far away from home without money or food for the whole day.  It was an unexpected little thing how Jesus provided for his need.  
  • My daughter, who was leaving for Asia in days, found out a package she needed was delivered to the wrong house.  After following up with the Post Office it seemed the package was missing and time was running out.  As I turned to leave the Post Office, the supervisor said, "Wait!  It's here."  A coincidence?  I think not.  It was another one of the little things. 
  • It's been a difficult season watching our son and daughter-in-law maneuver through the minefield of their children's readjustment to the United States after 3-years in Northern Asia. There has been lots of tears as our grandchildren adjust to a new culture, new home, new church, new school and new friends. Then another little thing that meant so much to them and to us...happened.    A thoughtful note was put in their son's backpack by another student.  It said, "I know it's hard being in a new place.  You're doing great."

Any of these incidents might have brought a "What good is that...?" comment.  But, not from me.  I rejoiced with gratitude in my heart that the Lord uses the little things to bless and remind us that He sees. He knows. He cares. He intervenes.  

I wonder what little things are coming your way this week.  


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