The New Year's Challenge
2017 is days away , h ave you decided you 're going to change the world this year? It's time for the New Year's Challenge! I may...or may not be challenging myself. After all, I've never been one to push myself beyond my comfort zone. In fact, in high school I only chose classes that I knew I could ace. I was number 25 in my class of 303 students. If you're a math wiz you will figure out quickly that I was in the top 10% of my class. I'm sure student #26 would have been peeved, if he compared his class schedule to mine--swimming, creative writing, listening and discussion, independent reading, typing, band, cooking, family finance...I think you get the picture. It was more important for me to do well at what I did -- than push myself beyond my comfort zone. That's part of the reason I dislike the whole New Year's resolution thing. We are being challenged to do more, push ourselves, committee to stuff we probably wo