
Showing posts from December, 2016

The New Year's Challenge

2017 is days away , h ave you decided you 're going to change the world this year?  It's time for the  New Year's Challenge!    I may...or may not be challenging myself.  After all, I've never been one to push myself beyond my comfort zone.  In fact, in high school I only chose classes that I knew I could ace.  I was number 25 in my class of 303 students.  If you're a math wiz you will figure out quickly that I was in the top 10% of my class.   I'm sure student #26 would have been peeved, if he compared his class schedule to mine--swimming, creative writing, listening and discussion, independent reading, typing, band, cooking, family finance...I think you get the picture.  It was more important for me to do well at what I did -- than push myself beyond my comfort zone.   That's part of the reason I dislike the whole New Year's resolution thing.  We are being challenged to do more, push ourselves, committee to stuff we probably wo

God Bless You!

I sneezed the other day and a stranger passing by said, “God bless you.”   I really didn’t want anyone to acknowledge my nasal outburst, but his comeback was obviously conditioned within him as was my reply. “Thank you.” We are fully immersed in the cold and flu season which means there will be a lot of "God bless yous" out there.   We just finished expressing our thankfulness for all the wonderful things we enjoy on a daily basis and now we take two steps forward and it's Christmas--this is the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus, Immanuel--God with us. Ministers lament over finding those cutting edge sermons for the weeks leading up to Christmas hoping to wow their congregations with a new and deep revelations no one else has discovered.   I was feeling a bit the same way as I prayed and asked the Lord to give me an amazing devotional to share for Christmas week.  I read Luke 1 in the Living Bible and my eyes locked on this phrase.   “ for God has deci

Yours, Mine Or Ours

When Bob and I married in 1975, it was the merging of "Yours & Mine."  The optimal goal of the merger was to arrive at  OURS .  The best way I can describe this is...Christmas. The first few Christmases at the newly established Roberts' home could best be described as "Yours & Mine." Here were a few of our differences:   Should the big meal be on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? When will we open presents?  ( Growing up , our families did it on different days) Who is this Santa you speak of? Why is the table covered with plates of peanut brittle, popcorn balls and fudge? Live Tree vs. Fa ke Tree o r c an we even afford a tree?  Our 2nd Christmas we had a cardboard fireplace we bought for $4.95.  Those were the Bible c ol lege years. Birthday cake for Jesus vs. cookies and milk for Santa. Can we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus ? After we (I) decorate the tree , lets sing carols, dr ink hot chocolate and eat powered donuts in the


While working in the kitchen on Thanksgiving morning, I heard one of the grandkids cry out. I left my Thanksgiving preparations in a hurry to check on the afflicted one. As I rounded the corner into the living room, I came face to face with an obstacle course of toys separating me from the wounded.  (actual photo) We have a kid-friendly, family room for all these obstacles (toys), but one by one the grandkids bring them upstairs and skillfully place them in the high traffic areas. They are so talented.  What can I say? I spotted the crying grandchild across the room and made the split second decision to maneuver through the toys to comfort him. (A bit dramatic, but I'm making a point--People! )  I scooped him up in my arms and after a few minutes of hugs, he was ready to get back in the game.  While passing back through the toys to the kitchen, my heart was quickened with the thought of obstacles .  They block us, slow us down, make our way difficult...but this determ