
Showing posts from January, 2018

"This charger isn't plugged in!"

We have cell phone chargers placed in strategic locations all over our house.  This is a necessity with four adults and two kids living under one roof all using devices that need to be charged.  The other day, I plugged in my cell phone to charge it at my favorite location--the end table in the living room.  A few hours later, I returned to see if the phone had reached 100%, but before I picked up my phone, I accidentally knocked something off the back of the end table.  As I moved the table out from the wall to retrieve what had fallen, I was surprised to see that the plug for my charger was lying on the floor.  Someone had knocked it out of the wall.  I said out loud in disgust, "This charger isn't plugged in!"   I plugged the charger back into the socket without checking the battery life on my phone.   Since it wasn't connected to a power source, I knew it was still depleted.   I thought I'd done the right thing by connecting my phone to the chargin

2-Day Shipping

I love Amazon Prime.   I admit, the 2-day shipping has spoiled me.  I no longer have to get into a cold car and drive on snowy roads to go shopping.  I can cozy-up with a blanket in my favorite place on the couch, turn on the electric fireplace and watch TV while I shop on my iPad.   This kind of shopping is crowd free, no lines, no coat, boots or gloves and no wobbly shopping carts.  (Don't you just hate it when you get a bad shopping cart?)    Checking out couldn’t be easier. I simply push two buttons and I’m out the door, s o-to-speak.  With that awesome 2-day shipping , most of the things my order will be in my hand within 48-hours.  Wouldn't it be amazing if prayer worked like  2-Day Shipping ?   How awesome would it be to shop through the list of all that God can do, make my selections, then proceed to the one click check-out?  Done!  I'd immediately get my conformation email that said, "Your prayer will be answered in 2-days.  You may trac

I should be kind.

For the past few weeks, the preschool class I teach on Wednesday nights has been working on the Giraffe Badge.  It stands for, " I should be kind. "    Mark Twain said this about kindness.  "Kindness is a language the dumb can speak, the deaf can hear, and the blind can see."  In the 1970's, there was a comedy show that I use to watch, and one of the characters said this, “It's nice, to be nice, to the nice."   True words!  It's easier to show kindness to a kind person, but what if someone isn't nice?  What if a person is undeserving in our opinion?  Does it give us a free pass to withhold kindness when it's within our power to give it?  I'm glad that God doesn't measure how He will show kindness according to that principle. In 2 Samuel 9, David was at a great place in life.  He was at peace with his enemies.  His Kingdom was established. He had trusted people surrounding him.  David must of recognized his

Giving Birth

Me with my youngest granddaughter. I've given birth three times and not one of these births were the same.  My first birth experiences was in 1978 and at that time the hospital policy was to strap down the mother's hands during the birth.  Barbaric!  My second was in 1980 and  things had improved.  Now you labored and gave birth in the same room with unrestrained hands.     Then came baby #3 in 1986.   The doors were fling wide open.  "Come one, come all."  And this included video cameras.    (Just for the record, the non-medical staff consisted of my husband and one of my sisters and the camera came out after the birth.)   Just say'n. Each one of my birth experiences lasted a different amounts of time, varying from two amazingly short hours, to twenty-four long agonizing hours.  Still, to the best of my fading memory, one thing was the same with each one of my birth experiences-- there was pain followed by joy. The very words Giving Birth  paints

The Notification

I can't recall the exact date or moment that I lost ownership of myself to my iPhone and iPad.  How long ago was it, that life existed before these tiny super computers became permanent  appendages? Over the years, I have grown quite familiar with these hand-held communication devices.  One of the new terms that has become a part of my ever budding vocabulary is Apps.   When I first set up a new App on one of my devices, I had to choose to turn on or turn off The Notifications .    I allow only a few select applications to send me  Notifications.  For anyone who may not know what The Notification is, it's a little red circle attached to most Apps with a number inside that signals the amount of messages awaiting your attention.  All you have to do is click on that circle to find out if you have a message from someone on Facebook, an email that needs your attention or an amazing photo from someone's vacation.  When I see one of these numbered circles, I simply can