The Notification

I can't recall the exact date or moment that I lost ownership of myself to my iPhone and iPad.  How long ago was it, that life existed before these tiny super computers became permanent  appendages?

Over the years, I have grown quite familiar with these hand-held communication devices.  One of the new terms that has become a part of my ever budding vocabulary is Apps.   When I first set up a new App on one of my devices, I had to choose to turn on or turn off The Notifications I allow only a few select applications to send me Notifications. 

For anyone who may not know what The Notification is, it's a little red circle attached to most Apps with a number inside that signals the amount of messages awaiting your attention.  All you have to do is click on that circle to find out if you have a message from someone on Facebook, an email that needs your attention or an amazing photo from someone's vacation. 

When I see one of these numbered circles, I simply can't help myself.  They draw me in every time.  I really don't want to click...because I'm a very busy person, but that red circle with the white number is trolling for me, and I take the bait every time.

I must click, click, click.

I can't help but wonder, if God had an App for my heart, what number would be inside the red circle? Surely, the number would be very low, let's say, a 1 or 2, after all God and me communicate on a daily basis...or do we?

Is it possible that God's notifications slip by me without notice?  Is that number growing bigger and bigger and I'm totally oblivious?

There are so many ways God has to communicate with me.  I'm sure HIS Notifications are coming through loud and clear.


He speaks through his Word, prayer, even difficult life situations or through individuals of His choosing. But wait, this would require something from reading the Bible, talking and listening to the Lord, being aware of my surroundings, and even being open to teachable moments from others.

Okay, The Notification from God may be piling up.  I'm feeling a strong urge right now to click, click, click.

Will you join me in 2018 and be sure that God’s notifications to you get your first line of attention?  He has so many wonderful things to tell us, if we take the time to CLICK.

My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27 NET


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