Role Models

My daughter and me.  
I pray my life is one she will what to imitate.

I’ve been fortunate in my lifetime to have role models whose lives are of godly moral character.  They are and were lives I want to emulate. 

When I was a little girl and regularly attended kid’s camp, I’d fall in love each year with whoever my camp counselor was.  I don’t remember even one of my counselor’s names from camp, but when I was younger the first chance I had, I wanted to be a camp counselor.  I wanted to impact young lives for the Lord like these women who gave their energy and time to impact my life.   

From my youth until now, I was blessed with many great role models who were sold out to God.  There were Sunday school teachers, pastors and their wives,  and godly men and women in the church, who spoke into my life with words and actions.

In my own family, I had five great women who influenced me and helped form me by their example.  I am who I am today because of my praying grandmother, generous aunt, loving mother, caring mother-in-law and spiritual stepmom. 

The book of 3 John is a short one-chapter book written in three-parts.  

The first part of this one-chapter book was praise from the Apostle John to a man called Gaius for a job well done, yet John encouraged him to do more.  We all could be and do better in our walks with the Lord.  None of us have arrived.  I like that before John told Gaius that there was room for improvement, first he praised him for what he was doing well.  Take note parents and spiritual leaders, it may be good to find a few positives before zeroing in on the areas that need improvement. 

In the second part of the letter, John warns about a man named Diotrephes, who’s example is one to avoid.  Diotrephes was a man who exhibited selfishness, gossip, bitterness, jealousy, and contention.  And an area that John speaks to in this book is this man's lack of hospitality to those in ministry.  John warns Gaius to beware of him.  He is not a good role model.

In the last part of 3 John, Gaius is given the name of someone who’s example he should follow.  This man’s name was Demetrius.

In 3 John 11, it says,  

Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good.” 

Demetrius had a reputation within his church as a godly man who walked in truth and believed in God.  He was well spoken of within his church community. 

John encouraged Gaius to imitate what was good and not what was evil.   

Who are you emulating and who is emulating you?  

Are you a Diotrephes who is known for causing division in the church or a Demetrius who walks in love and truth? 

Choose your role models carefully.  

Your spiritual health depends on it.




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