You're Being Watched


In July of 2020, my son's family moved into our home due to being displaced from Covid.  Within moments of their arrival, my then three-year-old grandson was relentless in asking me to play with him.  Every time he saw me he'd say, "Grandma, will you play with me?"  

I'm not kidding.  He'd ask 10-20 times in a matter of a few hours.

A few weeks into this madness, I decided to set some boundaries for my own sanity.  

I decided four times a week after dinner we'd play for 30 minutes the game or activity of his choosing.  Then before we started to play, I'd speak into my Apple Watch and say, "Set timer for 30-minutes."

The setting the timer action had gone on for months, then out of the blue the other day, this funny little boy looked at me, put his wrist to his mouth, and spoke these words, "Set timer for 30-minutes."

I couldn't stop laughing.  Don't ever think the people in your life aren't watching you.  

In Hebrews 13:7, in the NIV, it says, Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you.  Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.

There is an old saying that the sincerest form of flattery is imitation.  When my grandson imitated my actions, it made me laugh, but also I was proud.  His actions of imitating me blessed me.  He had taken notice and when he thought the time was right, he imitated me.

Is there someone special in your life who is watching your actions?  Maybe it's a friend, relative, neighbor, your church community, or an unbeliever, would you be proud or happy to have them imitate your faith in action?  

Remember, you're being watched.


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