Resistance is NOT Futile


I don’t think anyone has ever said, “Lucky you.  You’re on a diet.  Wish it were me.”

Nothing is exciting about being on a diet.  It's neverending and hard work to resist unhealthy foods.

In one more day, we will be entering a new year, many people in the United States will be considering lifestyle or spiritual changes in their life.  Maybe you've made the decision to exercise more, read the Bible through, make a greater effort to pray, or maybe drop a few of those extra holiday pounds.

When it comes to resisting holiday treats, I freely admit, this year, I struggled.  I didn’t do well walking away from the Christmas cookies, candy, chips, or second helpings.  

I should have done better.  I knew better.  I could have resisted, but I choose not to, and now I'm paying the price.  


When it comes to struggling with the strength to resist, no one did it worse or better than Peter.   You could say he was two different people.  

He was the disciple before the crucifixion that denied Jesus three times.  And he was the powerhouse preacher after his Holy Spirit's baptism on the Day of Pentecost.  He stood boldly and proclaimed to the crowds that Jesus is the Christ.  And he did that without fear.   

He understood from his past failures the need to resist fleshly desires and resist our enemy, the devil.

I Peter 5:8-9 (NIV) cautions all Believers: 

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

The purpose of the book of 1 Peter was to encourage the Believer that even in times of great suffering and persecution that we have the power to be victorious in and through difficult times.  

When it comes to the church's persecution, an extra cookie doesn’t seem such a big deal, and neither are some of the battles we may be holding on to as we get ready to cross into 2021.   

Next time you are ready to go to war over something that is not that critical remember—resistance is NOT futile.


Through Christ, we have the power within us to live in this world without losing hope or being hostile to others.  

We are to trust in the Lord and look for His return.  




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