Spiritual Coupon


I get coupons in the mail and at the store all the time.  These coupons are for food items or things as large as furniture.  Whenever I get a coupon, I look them over and make a decision to redeem them, save them for later or toss them in the garbage.

It doesn’t matter to me that the coupon has value.   If I don’t want that item, the coupon isn’t remotely enticing to me.  


On the other hand, I hate it when I save a coupon, and then I forget about it buried in my purse somewhere and find out later that it’s expired.  I missed out on something of value that I wanted or needed.


There is a small verse, in a small book, in the New Testament that sorta reminds me of a “spiritual coupon.”


In Titus 2:11, the ESV says this, 


For the grace of God has appeared, 

bringing salvation for all people.


If this verse came in the form of a “spiritual coupon” it might say something like this, 


  • ·      Available for centuries. 
  • ·      Expires at death or the Rapture.
  • ·      When redeemed the value is eternal life.
  • ·      Who can use this coupon? Whosoever will…it’s free to everyone.
  • ·      How to redeem? Ask/Pray (Your own words are acceptable.)


Have you redeemed your "spiritual coupon?" 


You don’t want to let this “spiritual coupon”  expire, throw it away, or save it for another day.


Best to redeem it NOW!





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