
It doesn't happen often, but sometimes I get blindsided.  I mean really blindsided by someone.  Their words catch me off guard, and I don't respond the way I do when I have my wits about me.  

I'm can be sailing along having a great day and POW, I go down for the count.  

It's at that moment that I have a choice.  I can wallow in the pain, look for someone to blame, or I can choose to safeguard myself.  

If you are anything like me, the blame choice is the usual place I go.  But WRONG, that’s not the correct answer, so don’t even go there.

Now, the word safeguard may sound like counselor jargon, but the term safeguard was first used by the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:1 when he told us this amazing truth.

Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.

To write the same things again is no trouble to me,

and it is a safeguard for you.  

Philippians 3:1 (NASB)

The safeguard that Paul was speaking of was the safeguard of rejoicing, being glad, being joyful in the Lord.

We are refreshed and restored when we rejoice in the Lord.  Rejoicing in the Lord brings healing to our souls.   

·      It is in His presence, we find fullness of joy.  

·      It is in His presence, we are able to release our cares and pain to Him.  

·      It is in His presence, we find the path to forgiveness.  

·      It is in His presence, we are able to feel safe again.

It’s in His presence, we will fully understand the built-in safeguard God has provided for us through rejoicing.  

Thank you, Lord, for another day to Praise Your Name.



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