The Song Of Love

In the movies, it is common to see a scene where a mother will be singing over her child A Song Of Love to calm or to sing the child to sleep.

When I was a new mom, there were no classes available on godly childrearing.  There were some worldly books, but nothing other than the Bible for training up a child with Christian values.

I learned from what I could remember from my parents’ example and from watching other new moms at church who were months or years ahead of me in the process.  

There definitely wasn’t a class called Baby Singing 101, but in March of 1978 my motherly instinct kicked in, and I began to sing over my first-born son.  Sometimes I sang spiritual songs and other times lullabies.

I sang songs of love.  

whispered words of love in my baby’s ear, “You are special to me.” 

“You are a gift from God.”

“There is no one else like you.”

“My heart is happy and full because of you.”

"I love you.” 

The sound of my voice singing and speaking over my troubled child would bring comfort.  It would bring peace and sleep would follow.

I think that’s why I love Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT) so much.  I get to picture myself cradled in the arms of my Heavenly Father and Him lovingly singing over me.

  For the Lord, your God is living among you.

    He is a mighty savior.

He will take delight in you with gladness.

    With his love, he will calm all your fears. 
    He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

At 63, my memory is still reasonably good, but one thing I can't remember is my mother holding me as a new baby in the night and singing over me—but without a doubt, I know she did.  It would have been her inborn nature to do something like that because she loved me.  She delighted in me.  She was proud beyond words of her child.  She would have protected me at all costs.

I, however, do have a vivid memory of the amazing experience of singing over each of my three children.  I remember taking delight in them.  I remember my back getting up when I thought they were in any way being treated unkindly.  Many times, in my life, the Mamma Bear spirit has risen up in the protection of my children.  

Just think how much more our Heavenly Father is doing all this for us.  
  • He delights in His children.
  • He protects His children.
  • He hates injustice.
  • He calms the fears of His children.
  • He's the giver of peace.
  • He sings joyful songs over us; the songs of love.

Maybe that’s why David the Psalmist said, In His presence, is fullness of joy.

Today, if you are very still in His presence, maybe you will hear a song of love being sung over you.


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