Don't change the rules!

When my 2nd son's family come to visit, they love to play games around the table in the evening.  I enjoy joining in the games with them because I want to be with them. 

The game my son wanted to play was new to me and require an explanation for this newbie.  

When I play a new game, I like to have all the information at the beginning of the game.  I don't like it when the rules change, or new rules are added as we go along. 

The last game I played with my son's family was over a month ago.  As he was explaining the game to me, he needed to freshen up on the rules himself.  He pulled the rules from the box and to my surprise the rules were in Chinese characters.  

I made a humm sound then added, "I guess, I'll have to take your word for it."

When it comes to rules, the same is true in my Christian life.  I wouldn't like it if I worked hard to learn what is expected of me from the Lord and then ten years goes by and God throws down some new rules.  

Nope, thank goodness that's not how He works.  

God has given us His Word--rule book--in the Old and New Testaments.  Nothing has been added or taken away for all those who chose to follow The Bible.  

In Micah 6:8 (NIV), I love that God tells us exactly what He requires of us.  

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.    
And what does the Lord require of you? 
To act justly and to love mercy 
and to walk humbly with your God.

This verse breaks it down so simply.  Just three things to remember.
  • Act justly
  • Love Mercy
  • Walk Humbly with God
    I think I can remember these three-game rules just fine.
    Because HE doesn't change the rules!


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