Choose Wisely

My three children did not get to weigh in on me as their mother.   It was the luck of the gene pool draw that each one became my child.  

I tried my best to be the kind of parent that brought loving correction and spiritual training to their young lives, but I was far from perfect.  

Now that my child-rearing years are far behind me, I can look back and contemplate with objectivity my parenting skills.  

As a young mom, I was not always longsuffering or patient with my sweet children when it came to bad behavior.  I was in my early twenties when my two sons were born, and I ran a tight ship when it came to obedience. 

Then at 29, surprise, my daughter was born.  

My sons may disagree with me, but I do believe all three of my children were held to the same high standard of behavior.   However, I can admit, the types of punishment for the girl was less corporal in style and more instructional.  
The theme of the book of Nahum, one of the twelve minor prophets in the Bible, is that the guilty will be punished, and those who place their trust in God will be rewarded with protection.

In the book of Nahum 1:3 (NET Bible), this is a familiar verse.  

The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; 
the Lord will certainly not allow the wicked to go unpunished.

God may be slow to anger but he is far from an uninterested or indifferent parent.   

Our Heavenly Father does not ignore the guilty.  They will receive punishment if they do not repent of their evil ways.  We see this truth played out over and over again in God's Word. 

God does not ignore evil.  Something we hear far too little these days is that punishment is coming for those who choose to embrace evil ways, principles, and practices.  

The good news for every child of the King is that our Heavenly Father will protect those who place their trust in Him.

My children didn't get to pick me as a parent, but each of us have the priliviage of choosing our spiritual parent; God the Father or Satan.  

Choose wisely, where you place your trust. 


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