How can I make this better?

Election Day was yesterday. I hope you voted!  

In my circle of influence and from my own perspective, I can see things that are wrong.   I may not have a perfect solution for making everything better, but I like to think I try to do the right thing.  

The book of Ruth was written during the times of the Judges.  This was a time when everyone did what was right in their own eyes.  That sounds like our society today.  In the time of the Judges, this question was seldom heard, How can I make this better?  

Then the book of Ruth appears as an oasis in the desert--a story of hope, in times of spiritual darkness.  Ruth's story shows us that in spite of what we saw in the book of Judges with the evil and wickedness, there are people of principle and faith to be found.  

For the sake of keeping this short, there is one thing that I want to look at in this book--the kinsman-redeemer.  Even though scripture does not record it, I believe Boaz could have easily asked this question when he heard of the plight of Ruth, How can I make this better?

In Ruth 3:8-13, when Ruth goes to Boaz in the night, he is asleep on the threshing floor.  Women who frequented these kinds of places were not of good reputation.  But it is here, in these verses that we see Boaz awakened and he is given the opportunity to make Ruth's world a better place.  

At midnight the man was startled and turned over, and behold, a woman lay at his feet! He said, “Who are you?” 
And she answered, “I am Ruth, your servant. Spread your wings over your servant, for you are a redeemer.” 
And he said, “May you be blessed by the Lord, my daughter. You have made this last kindness greater than the first in that you have not gone after young men, whether poor or rich. And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you ask, for all my fellow townsmen know that you are a worthy woman. And now it is true that I am a redeemer. Yet there is a redeemer nearer than I. Remain tonight, and in the morning, if he will redeem you, good; let him do it. But if he is not willing to redeem you, then, as the Lord lives, I will redeem you. Lie down until the morning.”  
Ruth 3:8-13 ESV

If you are not familiar with the rest of Ruth and Boza's story, here it is in bullet points. 
  • Boaz sends Ruth home with her shawl full of grain.  
  • He goes to the gate of the city where business is transacted and does some shrewd dealings to win her hand.  
  • In the end, Boaz becomes Ruth's kinsman-redeemer and marries her.
  • They have a son.
  • She becomes part of the birth line that leads us to Jesus, who is our kinsman redeemer.  
Boaz's act of love to redeem Ruth and make her life better is what Jesus did for us.  This is not recorded in scripture verbatim, but I like to imagine it could have gone something like this.  Our kinsman-redeemer, who is Jesus, could have asked this question to God the father when he saw the devastation of mankind.  "How can I make this better?"

We were all like Ruth, without protection in a dangerous place and like Boaz who took the corner of his garment and covered Ruth, Christ has become our Kinsman-redeemer and covered us with His own blood and became our protection.

We may not be able to right the wrongs of this lost world with a single vote in a public election, but I know my Kinsman-Redeemer has a plan to bring all enemies under His feet and in His time.  

Jesus will make all things right again.  


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