The "Rule Follower"

I've always found the whole birth order thing interesting.  The 1st born who are traditionally the “rule followers” and the 2nd born who are the “fun-loving social butterfly types.”  Of course, this isn’t a hard and fast rule just an observation on a percentage basis, I presume.  

You know, there is something to be said about the “rule follower.”  After all, Jesus was a firstborn...and a “rule follower” too. 

When I think of rules, I think order, smooth sailing and a peaceful existence.  If everyone would follow the rules life would be so good.

God set up rules from the beginning.  Adam and Eve had one rule—ONE and they broke it.

God gave Moses the 10-commandments.  Ten rules and in his anger, he cast the tablets down and broke them all.

In the Bible, when I think of rules, the book that comes to my mind is Leviticus.  This book is jampacked full of rules for things no one would ever guess a rule was even needed for, but none the less—the rules are recorded there.

Do this!

Don't do that!

If you do this, then this will happen then you'll have to do this or that to make it right. 

It's tiring just thinking about it.

The book of Leviticus can be daunting with the tedious lists of rules and regulations.  By chapter 3, most readers will jump right over this book in hot pursuit of character-driven Bible stories.  

Yet, if the reader will properly take the time to understand the pages of this book, they will unfold the rich wisdom and practical instruction supplied to the readers on these pages of the Bible. 

In Leviticus 17:11 (NIV) it says, For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life. 

The book of Leviticus is best described as a guidebook (kinda like a book of rules) for God's people pointing us to holy living and worship.  But before we can avail ourselves of these two things, first we must deal with the sin issues in our lives.

In the Old Testament, the only way to deal with sin was through sacrifices and offerings.  Sin required a sacrifice--a life for a life and Jesus became our once and for all sacrifice when he surrendered His life for us.  

Next time you think of the book of Leviticus, remember to be grateful for our firstborn, rule following Savior who became the once and forever sacrifice that reconciled us to God the Father.


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