Home Sweet Home

In June of 2000, we bought the house that we live in now.  Once the ink was dry on the dotted line, we took possession of our property.  It felt good to walk into our home all those years ago, knowing it was ours. 

I can still remember unpacking dishes, putting them away and saying, "I don't ever want to do this again."  

At that time, we had moved, I'm estimating, over 20 times.  These moves took us places like Florida, Boston, North Dakota, Missouri, and different locations in Michigan on the westside, eastside, south, and north.  

That number doesn't even count the moves we made during our seven years in the Philippines.

Now, the very thought of packing up a house and moving actually sends a lightning bolt of fear coursing through my veins.  Over the past 20-years, we have discussed downsizing, but nothing ever materialized from the many discussions except the inner panic I felt at the very thought of it.

In Joshua 1:11, the children of Israel were facing another move of their own.  They had lived in one place for over 400 years (Egypt).  Then they were homeless (so-to-speak) for 40-years in the wilderness.  But, in the opening chapter of Joshua, the Children of Israel were on the cusp of their "Home Sweet Home."    A promised place of their own to possess.

"Go through the camp and tell the people, 
'Get your provisions ready. 
Three days from now you will cross the Jordan here to go in 
and take possession of the land 
the LORD your God is giving you for your own.'"  
Joshua 1:11

Joshua had previously seen the promised land.  He was one of the twelve spies that originally went in to scout things out.  He was not unaware of what lied ahead.  
  • He knew there were giants, and he also knew the land flowed with milk and honey.  
  • He knew that possessing the land wasn't going to be easy, but he was ready to claim his inheritance.  
  • He knew there would be battles ahead, but he also was not afraid.  He had put his trust in the Lord.  
After all,
  • Giants can be conquered – remember the story of David.
  • Strongholds can be pulled down – remember the story of Gideon.
  • The battle belongs to the Lord - remember the story of King Jehoshaphat.

Whatever you are facing today, determine in your heart that you will possess the land that the Lord has given to us.

He has promised us...
  • Forgiveness
  • Redemption
  • Everlasting Love
  • A sound mind
  • Strength
  • Peace
  • Fullness of Joy
  • Authority over your enemy 
  • A Heavenly Home
  • …and so much more…

Victory is yours!   Time to possess the Land—Home Sweet Home.


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