My Victory

I like to give credit where credit is due.  And I especially like to get credit when it belongs to me.    

I mean, if I did all the work and someone else stepped up to take the credit, I wouldn't appreciate that--at all. 

But Really?  Can anyone ever hear enough about how wonderful they are?  I think not!

Yet, God has this awesome ability to do just that.  He'll do all the work and give us the credit.  I like this scenario even better than me doing all the work and getting all the credit. 

There is a song that has been around a few years, but it's new to me called, Defender.  There's a phrase in this song that captured my heart. Here is my interpretation of what the song says, "You fight my battles, then call them my victory!"


God does the work and then gives me the credit.  He gets down and dirty in the trenches with my enemies, then (as the song states) brings me the head of my enemy and calls it my victory!

He goes before me into battle with my enemies.  

He fights for me.  

And I am victorious through Christ's efforts on my behalf.  

The story of the children of Israel standing at the Red Sea as Pharaoh’s army approaches is a game-changing moment for them.  They have no choice but to trust God to fight for them.   They actually aren't even trusting God at this time but complaining. (shocker) And accusing Moses of bringing them out of Egypt to die in the wilderness.  But God is about to show them, with the parting of the Red Sea, that He will fight for them, and they will be victorious.

When Believers trust God to fight their battles, fear and hopelessness will flee.  We learn when we allow God to fight for us that no battle is too big for our God.

He hasn't left us defenseless either.  In Ephesians 6, we read about the armor of God, then in verse 10 it says; (NKJV)  

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 

Are you facing a battle?  Are you feeling defeated?  Your Defender is waiting to make you victorious!

God is surrendering all the credit, when He fights for me then calls it my victory


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