Into The Light

 A haircuts can be an amazing confidence booster or an epic fail!

I love going to the salon.  It's my chance to sit back and enjoy a moment of pampering.  However, there is one thing that is always daunting for the person in the chair. 

Recently, I strolled into the hair salon, I was feeling pretty good about myself.  I had applied my makeup to perfection, and I was soaring high at the thought of a new hairstyle, until I sat in that chair.

The stylist draped my body with a black shawl and positioned me directly in front of the mirror.  On three sides, the mirror was framed with intrusive, glaring--lying lightbulbs. 

I glanced up at the ceiling and shielded my eyes from the huge fluorescent light.  That overhead light, along with the lights on the mirror, were not being kind to my aging face.

Looking back at me from the brightly illuminated mirror was a ghostly white person with no visible signs of one bit of makeup.  Let me add that the person in the mirror also looked way older than me.  I was sure that not even an amazing haircut was going to change what all the light had exposed.

A light had been cast on me that changed everything.   There was no place to hide.  All my external flaws were brought into the light

Daniel 2:22 says, He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.  

Even when we don't like the process, if we allow God to shine His light on us and take the time to examine what needs attention in our lives, we will be the better for it even when the process is unsettling.   

In Hebrews 4:13 we are reminded that when we choose to ignore or hide what is going on in our heart, God still sees. 

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight; everything is uncovered and exposed before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

Sitting that day in front of that revealing mirror, under the massive lights, caused me to take a good look at me!  I didn't particularly like what I saw, but when the stylist was finished, I didn't see my glaring white skin or even the wrinkles on my face.  My eyes were pulled away from the negative and focused on the positive.  

Today, you may be experiencing the intense light of God shining on an area of your life.  Don't run away from the light. Allow God to do His work because we are always the better for it, when we
 come into the light and allow God to make the necessary changes in us.


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