Not Alone

I like my alone time.  Sometimes I just want to curl up in a chair with a blanket and zone out while watching a predictable Hallmark movie.  I don't want to answer phone calls, nor solve anybody's problems.  No adulting what-so-ever!  

On occasion, being alone is exactly what I need to recharge my depleted battery.

But not everyone is me, some people are just the opposite.  They need people around them, and they gain strength from being with others.  I have some family members like this.  When they are feeling low, they want people around them.  

In church recently, these words flooded my thoughts.  You're not alone.  I haven't left you to toss and tumble on the waves of life without support.

I thought, whhhat?  But I like alone.  Alone is good.  Alone is quiet.  Alone is peaceful.

That's when I realized the words weren't for me--well--not completely.  

Maybe you are reading this today and are struggling through a difficult situation in your life.  Do you feel like you're being tossed on the waves of life?   Do you feel everyday it get's harder and harder to see another morning come?

In the Bible...
  • David experienced many difficult times, trials and battled deep despair.
  • Elijah was discouraged, weary, and afraid.
  • Job suffered through loss, devastation, and physical illness.
  • Jeremiah wrestled with loneliness, feelings of defeat, and insecurity. 
  • Even Jesus hit a few rough spots.  Like the time he asked his disciples, "Couldn't you wait with me one hour?"  Sounds like a question asked by someone feeling alone.

God is able to use whatever season of suffering we are in to bring about good in our lives.  Maybe even make us stronger!  

He is our Redeemer, Restorer, Healer and Friend. 

Isaiah 41:10 says... (ERV)
Don't worry--I am with you.
Don't be afraid--I am your God.
I will make you strong and help you.
I will support you with my right hand that brings victory.

Whether you are a person who likes to withdraw or a person who likes to be where the action is...the truth is--we are not alone.  

Even when we think we are--we're not!


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