Endless Possiblities

It's a new year with endless possibilities.  Right now, on day two, my slate is clean!  Nothing is holding me back for sweet success in every area of my life--because it's JANUARY 2nd of a brand-new year.  

I can dream big, believe, and yes, it could happen.  

What will I accomplish this year? 

Will I write another book?  (Maybe!)

Will I finally clean out that closet?  (It's the one I'm afraid to open.)

Will I read my Bible through? (Well, let's not go crazy!)

Will I be a better manager of my time? (I have a new amazing planner!)

Will I be willing to step out of the boat?  (With a life jacket on of course!)

Will I journal every day? (I do have a lot to say...)

Oh, the pure joy of a brand-new journal with its clean white pages.  That new journal is just waiting for all my thoughts to spill out and cover the pages.  

Yes, it's a new year with endless possibilities.  

I wonder what the Lord has in store for me in 2019.

I read this verse today in Isaiah 43:19-20(NLT), it was like the Lord saying, here ya go.  It's your new beginning.  And you know what, I liked it!   

“...I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness...
Yes, I will make rivers in the dry wasteland
so my chosen people can be refreshed."

Wow!  Yes, Lord.  I want 2019 to be just as Your Word says--make pathways when the roads are impassable.  When everything around me seems parched and dry, I say, yes to Your refreshing rivers.  Thank you Lord for the promises in Your Word.   

What’s your verse for 2019? 

Lay claim to it, and fill the blank pages of 2019 with good things from the Lord.  

He gives us endless possiblities!


  1. Amen. He does give us endless possibilities. I pray I don't overlook any of those special blessings.


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