You Came

Have you ever been faced with a task that you simply didn't want to do?

I have.

Many times I've dreaded things I've been asked to do.  I drag my feet.  I complain.  I try and wiggle my way out of the task.   I make excuses.  Then in the event any of these maneuvers work, and I somehow am excused from the unwanted task--I'm relieved! Ecstatic!  Thrilled!  FREE!

I wonder how Jesus felt when he received His assignment from God the Father.  It probably went something like this...

I've got a great opportunity for you, Son.  You're going down to a baby.  You'll grow up like any other child and get to go through all the ackward childhood stuff.  Then when you’re an adult, you’ll be rejected, betrayed, persecuted, tortured and suffer an agonizing death on the cross.  Are you in?

...and He came!

Jesus was asked to leave the comfort and safety of heaven.  He wasn't going to a wealthy family with prestige and comforts.  Nope!  He would be born to a poor family without any of life's comforts.  Upon His arrival, he didn't even have a private birthing room.

...and He came!

Jesus accepted the assignment without complaining, negotiating for better work conditions or debating that someone else could do the job better.

He came!

There's a song we sing at church with the phrase, Jesus--You Came!  It addresses all the types of people that Jesus came for; the unclean, the unholy, the broken, the unworthy, the wounded, the hurting, the lost, and the lonely.

In this song, after this list is sung, there is a declaration proclaimed--Jesus--You Came!

When I try and wrap my mind around Jesus' willingness to come, there is simply no comparison in my circle of life that comes even remotely close to this.

In John 6:38 (GW) it says, "I haven't come form heaven to do what I want to do.  I've come to do what the one who sent me wants me to do."

YOU CAME for me, and I'm forever grateful You did.


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