Ah, I remember it well.

I watched my 20-month-old grandson the other day.  If you're a grandma, I could stop right here because I'm sure you know where I'm going with this.


First...we read books, then I cleaned up the kitchen, then I decided to sweep the floor and shake the rugs, but when I went to the closet to get the broom, the closet needed to be straightened up...so, I pulled all the stuff out of the closet.  I had a steadfast, unmovable helper through all of this.  

She said sarcastically! 

After the closet clean out, I finally found the broom and proceeded to sweep the floor.  My helper moved faster than me and was able to run through each pile of dirt before I could lay my hands on the dust pan.  His talents are never ending.  So proud.

Then me and the boy moved to the family room where I cleaned up toys and moved the whole room around.  He happily played wherever I had just cleaned.  Then we went to my bedroom and changed the sheets on the bed and started the laundry.

Did I mention that I was still in my pajamas and it's almost time for lunch?

All the while, I am stopping to play with him, wiping a runny nose and changing wet diapers, taking phone calls and responding to emails.  Then it was lunch time followed closely by the most holy time of the day for all moms and grandmas too--nap time.  Which meant...yeah...it was me time.  Except, the laundry was ready to fold and cookies were baking.

Then I heard it.  A tapping on the wall and a sweet baby voice talking softly.

My thoughts...Are you kidding me...nap time is over already!!!

Ah, I remember it well--motherhood!  Check out that picture of me almost 38 years ago.  My glasses are back in style...who knew?

When this old grandma was past those busy years of child rearing, she quickly learned that rubbing shoulders with a little one will bring all those memories flooding back.

And that said, Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there who multitask like the pros you are.  Thank God grandmas are called up from the minor ledges only once in awhile!

With Mother's Day coming, I couldn't think of a better verse to share with you this week than the one that comes with a beautiful long-life promise.

Ephesians 6:1-3 (TLB)
Children, obey your parents; this is the right thing to do because God has placed them in authority over you. Honor your father and mother. This is the first of God’s Ten Commandments that ends with a promise. And this is the promise: that if you honor your father and mother, yours will be a long life, full of blessing.
Thank you Lord Jesus, for the gift of godly parents.



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