Say Thank You!

Most adults have heard or said these three powerful words... "Say Thank-you!"  

When we were children we were taught to be thankful--and when we became parents we taught our children to be thankful.  Round and round we go...

 I've heard the words "Thank-You"...
  •  spoken through tears
  • yelled in sarcastic anger
  • whispered in breathless surprise
  • politely repeated by a child
  • and expressed with heartfelt gratitude
  • I've heard toddlers struggle to put the sounds together in a sweet baby voice, "ank-ou." 
  • And I've seen the words mouthed by an elderly person without the strength to speak.

YES--those are two very powerful words!

Tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving.  It's America's official day of thankfulness.  It may be a tradition at your Thanksgiving table to say something you're thankful for this year.  Most of us can come up with our "Thankfuls" around the table once a year.  But how can we limit it to just one.

I'm thankful... 
  • I have a Savior--his name is Jesus.
  • I'm healthy.
  • I'm getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family.
  • I have 10 grandchildren.
  • I have two new grandsons born this year 3 weeks apart. 
  • I attend an awesome church with amazing people...and a stellar pastor!
  • I get to love-on preschoolers every Wednesday night.  Rainbows--Rocks!
  • My husband loves me.
  • My children love me.
  • My grandkids love me.
  • I have a grandma van!
  • And...I'm thankful for YOU!
Thanks for coming back each week.  Your kind words have blessed me.  My prayer for you is--that the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ would be alive in you and through you all year long.

Romans 1:8 (TLB)  "...I thank God through Jesus Christ...for each one of you."

Now you go and...Say Thank someone who needs to hear it! 


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