Life in the Doll House

When I was a child,  I never had a doll house.  My siblings, neighborhood friends and me had to be creative so depending on the season, we built houses out of cardboard boxes, snow drifts or piles of leaves.  The thought of having a real doll house, club house or tree house was beyond my comprehension. 

Doll house #1--a garage sale find.
Now, I actually have three doll houses...for the grand-kids of course.  My son, recently told me that I'm one doll house away from a reality TV show--or needing therapy.

But really...who can walk away from a doll house.

Life in the doll perfect.  You have so much control over the placement of the furniture and people.  There's no fighting or anger in the doll house.  Everyone is happy, going about their daily business, cooking, cleaning, going to work, going on picnics and driving cars.  It's such an idealistic life in the doll house.

A child's play usually circles back to things they know.  From the youngest age children show the desire for shelter.  They build castles in the sand and towers with blocks.  Why?  Because home for most people represents safety from the cruelties of life.  It's natural to want to be in a safe place.

Doll house #2
Yet, not all homes are like--life in the doll house.  Real life homes aren't always stress-free, spotless, harmonious or perfect.  They are places where life is lived out in all it's rawness.

I wonder if that's why Jesus felt it necessary to remind us of this in John 14:1-3. (NKJV)

“Let not your heart be troubled; 
you believe in God, believe also in Me.
 In My Father’s house are many mansions;
 if it were not so, 
I would have told you. 
I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come again and receive you to Myself; 
that where I am, there you may be also."

Thank you, Jesus, for taking the time to notice the needs of your children.  You know--even before we ask.  Thank you for the reminder not to worry--you've prepared a place--a place of shelter and safety and it will be way better than Life in the Doll House.  



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