Breathe His Name

I've been working on my second book, Hillbrooke The Healer, and this has caused me to be in writer-mode. 

Writer-mode helps me take notice of the smallest of things in my surroundings; a tapping pencil, a creaking swing, a shadow on a wall or a certain way someone turns their head.  When I see or hear these things, I think...that would be perfect for the book. Then I make a mental note.

Being sensitive to Holy Spirit is similar to writer-mode.  When my thoughts are focused and turned towards the Lord, He usually has a much better chance of gaining my attention.  The Holy Spirit will gently lead me, often using my surroundings or a still small voice.  It was during a recent group prayer time at church that I felt the Holy Spirit gently remind me--Breathe His Name.   

My thoughts immediately turned to the power of that Name.  I knew whatever the situation "His Name" had the ability to bring peace.  In seasons of rejoicing, fear, sorrow and pain I could Breathe His Name. 


Why breathe?  Why not shout His name? 

Breathing represents life and breathing the Name of Jesus brings life to the Believer.

"Therefore God also has highly exalted Him 
and given Him the name which is above every name, 
 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, 
of those in heaven, and of those on earth, 
and of those under the earth,   
and that every tongue should confess 
that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."  
Philippians 2:9-11 NKJV

This week whatever circumstances may come--Breathe His Name--that name--the one above every other name--the name of Jesus.


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