The Nugget

A few Sundays ago my husband shared one of those nuggets of truth in his message.  I quickly jotted it down in my notes.  He said, “We want the will of God in our lives but not the rule of God.”  Did I ever identify with that nugget!  

When the word nugget came to mind I recalled this candy I use to get as a kid.  It is called Gold Nugget Bubble Gum.  I haven’t seen or heard of it for years.  Maybe you remember it too.  It was in a little brown burlap bag with a draw string.  Inside the bag were little golden nuggets of gum.  When you popped that gum in your mouth I remember it being sweet as honey, but within a few seconds of chewing the flavor was gone.  
The golden nuggets of gum got me thinking about the nuggets of truth that come into our lives by way of hearing the Word.  It may come by preaching, teaching or let’s say, reading an amazing weekly devotional online.  (Shameful self-promotion.

I know, I'm guilty of sinking my teeth into the sweetness of God’s Word, only chewing on it for a moment.  Allowing the busyness of life to rob me of the longevity of its flavor.  I forget what I heard on Sunday, read on Monday, or was told on Tuesday.  

 Psalm 1:1-2 (NKJV) Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.

The Message Bible says it like this, “…chew on scripture day and night.”

This week when you hear a nugget of truth, take time to savor it, chew on it.  Let it find a resting place in your heart, and be absorbed into your spirit.  Then share it with somebody.  It may be just what they need to hear!


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