Peace On Earth

Peace—perfect peace—peace on earth.  It’s what we all long for.  While most of us live at peace with those around us, the current news tells us that our world is far from a peaceful place.  On a daily basis we may see, hear, and feel the condition of this sinful world pressing in--bringing with it a fear that swallows peace.

Good News:  Even when war is raging—peace on earth is available to the Believer.  In John 14:27 Jesus said:  “I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid.”

I love what Jesus says here, “It is my own peace I give you.”  The peace Jesus is talking about is not perfect tranquility or the removal of all heartache from our lives.  The struggle for peace that Mankind faces is a lack of peace with God because of sin.  The peace that Jesus gives—brings us into right harmony with God, and harmony with God brings peace. 

Next time you feel your peace vanishing remember to assess your peace with God.   Remember what Jesus said, “It is my own peace I give you.”

It’s the only thing that will bring Peace on Earth.

Peace on Earth
By Beverly Joy Roberts


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